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Strive to be an Extraordinary Person: Prof. Narendra L Nayak

  • Monday, June 10th, 2024

Strive to be an Extraordinary Person: Prof. Narendra L Nayak

Mangaluru, May 30: “One needs to be disciplined and passionate to reach the goal. It requires hard work and some sacrifices to stand out as an extraordinary. ”, said Prof. Narendra L. Nayak, Chairman, Expert Group of Institutions while delivering the presidential address at the joint session of the ‘Students Parents Orientation Programme’ (SPOP) held for the newly admitted students and their parents at Expert PU College Valachil, Mangaluru. He assured the parents that Expert will provide the best of education to their wards with the state of the art facilities and conducive ambience available there. He administered the oath to the new students to admit them into the Expert family.

Mr. Ankush N. Nayak, IT Director, Expert Group of Institutions elaborated the technical aspects and facilities at Expert campus. He educated the students and their parents regarding the necessities of basic technical knowhow in the Expert campus, cashless transactions, e- library etc.

Dr. N. K. Vijayan Karippal, Principal of the college presented a bird’s eye view of the norms and facilities at the institution. He also shared valuable thoughts with the students which would help them to make their stay in the campus successful and fruitful.

Mr. Subrahmanya Udupa, Vice Principal (Academics) briefed the gathering about academic planning and strategies to prepare for examinations. Mr. Shyam Prasad S, Coordinator of AICE briefed on All India Competitive Examinations leading to the professional courses, their examinations and prestigious institutions in the country.

Mr. Balakrishna Shetty, academic committee member introduced some of the key persons of the campus to the gathering. Mr Raghavendra Shenoy, vice principal (Administrative) was present on the occasion.

 Ms Ambika K. P. lecturer, department of English accorded a cordial welcome to the gathering and hosted the programme. Students’ Welfare Officer for I PUC girls Ms Dhruthi V Hegde proposed vote of thanks.